Jun 28, 2008


Steam season is upon us and I've been busy working on 1:1 scale things that run on steam. I've obtained my Minnesota Hobby License while attending the University of Rollag College of Steam Traction Engineering. Had a great time. Running the 80hp Case engine at Fort Missoula during the 4th and my Virginia City season starts in two weeks.
Here is a video of the 353 at Rollag

Jun 3, 2008

Offline Staging

I'm very certain this is not unique to the world of small model railroads, but I thought offline staging would help save space. In traditional staging you have fiddle yards to the side or behind. I don't have room for that right now. My solution? Use the NP mainline as staging for the yard. Cars waiting for pick up are placed on the main, when their time comes 0-5-0'd to the appropriate yard lead for switching to their destination. I plan on only running around 12 total cars on the layout so they'll all fit up top. But once my waybill system is implemented I can sort cars on and off staging and not worry about space. I'm still not sure how to implement waybills. More reading is needed indeed.

Jun 2, 2008

Bargin Hunting

I had $30 dollars to spend on trains today. With a bit of looking I came away with three 40' boxcars (2x SP&S, 1 GN), one tool shed, ballast for the NP mainline and Kadee #711 couplers to finish the boxcab with some change to spare. Two of the boxcars are done with one awaiting some Kadee #5's, the boxcab is ready for tweaking but it will pull five cars and the shed has been painted. The shed it should be noted is now the Salmon Bay ticket office.
More work to do.