Sep 24, 2008

Growing Pains

The SBT is expanding. As near as I can make out, the landlord of the space I'm using (My mom) has stated only two rules since I started my project in her furnace room. And those are "Keep stuff off the floor and put my tools away." So I'm adding Salmon Bay to my layout as an L shaped addition. This will really add to my industry locations as well as allow for passenger service between Ballard and Salmon Bay. And as a bonus I'll be able to flesh out the engine terminal and service area with a dedicated location. This will mean a pretty intensive rewrite of my route history, but it should be fun. As a side note, the history is kept up to date, so I'll be editing the original post to reflect current trends. I've decided to model the war years to the present, as that seems to be the greatest era for operational interest. I'll also be introducing the SP and Union Pacific as a partners in this enterprise. That means more traffic, and not three but five (GN, SP, NP, CMSt&P, UP) transcontinental lines using the railroad for interchange as well as the SBT itself. Of course in the present it is just three railroads total UP, BNSF, and the SBT. Look for the updated history later next week.

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